Our days of perpetual sunshine (plus a record-breaking number of dry January days) had come to an end, replaced by low grey skies and threats of snow. So when last Tuesday was unexpectedly sunny I went for a long walk. I never set off intending to take photos for a blog post, but once I pull out the phone (camera), it’s hard to stop!
On the other side of the sidewalk there are a couple more (and they’re a little tormented by conifer litter)…
How nice it would be to have this front porch fern grotto!
Yes, I am using the term loosely, it’s kind of cave-like.
I wish I knew when they’d started the project, it would be fun to watch the progress.
Oh my. How do I not remember these sculptures in the making?
Seems like a lot of work.
This house used to have a big healthy opuntia planting out front, and that cryptomeria used to be a lot smaller.
The opuntia is gone, but I see there is still an agave back there, can you see it?
That’s a sweet Yucca linearifolia!
Ditto for the Euphorbia rigida (same property).
And still the same property, a fine opuntia, trachycarpus (palm), and more…
I hope the Agave bracteosa doesn’t get ran over.
Simple, but striking. There was a nice little patio up near the house and driveway, but I couldn’t get a good shot.
It smelled even better than it looks (hamamelis species)
I wonder what’s hiding under those frost-protection tents? I’ll have to remember to walk this way again when it’s warmer (our nights have been cool, a low of 25F recorded a couple times, but there’s even more cool (with possibly snow and freezing rain) on the way).
It occurs to me as I work my way thru this post just how many brick homes I photographed! Andrew and I call this neighborhood the ranchlands because of all the ranch-style homes there, and a lot of them are either completely brick, or have brick accents.
The hellstrip with opuntia, arctostaphylos and barely visible at the far right a large cholla.
The Yucca rostrata here have attained tree-like height.
They’re remarkable!
I crossed a street to get a photo of the green (next shot), but was also captivated by the contrast next door, with the hard lines.
Lots of green.
I have no idea what this is, but it makes a nice soft brown winter moment.
I drive by this structure at least once a week. I’ve been trying to figure out what’s under there (I surely saw it before it was covered) but seeing it from the sidewalk side offered no more clues. I should have stuck my phone under there to get a photo or two, but the opening at the bottom is more narrow than it looks.
Oh hey… this one’s familiar, home!