Six rocks, three agaves, two palms…

Six rocks, three agaves, two palms...

Six rocks, three agaves, two palms, white gravel, lawn and some flat stone. Simplicity, symmetry. Low maintenance. 

Those palms, they’re the only thing in alive in this planting. The agaves are plastic.

So is the lawn.

I saw this installation in a semi-rural location in the greater Portland area. It certainly stood out. I felt a little awkward about stopping to take pictures. But I had to, you know it was the agaves. I wasn’t even certain the lawn was plastic until I got closer.

I thought about this a long while before posting. Here’s the thing I kept coming back to, these folks have done something with the front of their property that must make them happy. That’s better than not doing anything, isn’t it? Do I hate fake lawn? YES! It’s plastic for Gods sake, we do NOT need more plastic. Those agaves? Well, I appreciate they’re agaves, but real live plants instead of plastic ones is always the better answer. 
Would it be better if the whole thing was an asphalt parking area? No really. I’m curious. If that was the alternative would it be better? We’re not all blessed with the time to tend a garden. We’re not all in love with watching plants grow and change and bloom and die. It doesn’t look like these people are up for tending the real thing (although those palms are healthy and well cared for). They’ve made their statement, what’s yours?
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