one man army here, i need help with ideas


my area is experiencing crazy drought since 2018. i’m from north africa and my area haven’t had any serious rain in the past 7 years or so so what used to be a vast-steppe-like land turned into a desert.

it’s at the point where it’s beyond repair or at least there must be some huge effort to reverse the change or at least to keep it as it is right now and don’t make things worse.

and to make the situation 100x worse. this area is dominated by aleppo pines and we’re losing those in crazy numbers. i keep noticing dead aleppo pines monthly. and whenever i go to the nearby forest there’s just thousands and thousands of dead aleppo pines

most of them are 100 years old around that age.

so to sums up the situation:

  • no rain for 7 years
  • we lost our ground cover
  • desertification the land is now covered by sand
  • this year we’re losing our aleppo pines

my original idea was just to diversify as much as i can by planting pistacia atlantica and oak trees. but by the time my trees would be ready it would become 100x worse i’m sure.

so i’m thinking of creative ideas to combat this. my resources are very very limited.

i have access to a lot of pistacia atlantica, oaks, peruvian peppers and carob seeds and tamarisk cuttings

i’m hoping for some sort of idea with direct seeding because that feels like the only option i got for now
but the issue with direct seeding is we aren’t having rain and i can’t spread myself too thin

submitted by /u/crankyattacker
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