Lawn in desert for dogs

Hi to anybody who’s reading! So I live in Southern California, very dry, and the backyard is quite literally a desert. (Providing a stock photo to show the quality of what I’m working with) Anyways, I really want to put down some proper lawn for my dogs, something drought tolerant and pet friendly, I’ve been mostly looking into “frog fruit ground clover” but I’m very open to suggestions. The area I would want to cover is about 20ft by 7ft. I was wondering if anyone had some experience or knowledge on how to get started and be successful. It seems like the ground would need to be loosened up, but tilling is frowned upon. Which can be confusing given that the ground I’d be working with is quite hard and dry most of the year receiving on average less than 6 inches of rain.
I’ve watched a hand full of videos but most people only cover preparing the ground for planting produce, not so much for what I’m looking to accomplish. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, oh and thank you for taking the time to read 😉

submitted by /u/This-Hunt-11
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