Although elevated ambient temperature causes many effects on plant growth and development, the mechanisms of plant high-ambient temperature sensing remain unknown.
In this study, we show that GLYCOGEN SYNTHASE KINASE 3s (GSK3s) negatively regulate high-ambient temperature response and oligomerize upon high-temperature treatment. We demonstrate that GSK3 kinase BIN2 specifically interacts with the high-temperature sensor phytochrome B (phyB) but not the high-temperature sensor EARLY FLOWER 3 (ELF3) to phosphorylate and promote phyB photobody formation.
Furthermore, we show that phosphorylation of phyB by GSK3s promotes its interaction with ELF3. Subsequently, we find that ELF3 recruits the phyB photobody facilitator HEMERA (HMR) to promote its association with phyB.
Taken together, our data reveal a mechanism that GSK3s promote the phyB-ELF3-HMR complex formation in regulating plant thermomorphogenesis.