Top: The US Composting Council’s (USCC) new toolkit walks the user through five tiers of compost zoning readiness. Photo courtesy USCC
- Is the audience a rural county/city/regional or an urban setting?
- What are the overall acceptance and legal conditions concerning composting operations?
- What are local building codes?
- Who are your stakeholders?
- What is the jurisdiction’s policy on sustainability? Is there a Climate Action Plan, Zero Waste Plan or other sustainability goal?
- Who are other competitors? What is the scale of their operations and willingness to collaborate?
- What kind of facility is most feasible and beneficial to the community?
A key component of the Toolkit is the “Five Municipal Composting Readiness Tiers:” 1. No Zoning/No Activity; 2. Minimal Zoning/Minimal Activity; 3. Specific Language/Developed Activity; 4. Accommodating Language/Cumulative Activity; and 5. Role Model. Each tier is defined, and includes a short case study of communities in each of the five tiers. For example, Tier #3, Specific Language/Developed Activity is defined as communities that “have made specific zoning updates to include composting as a permissible use in certain zones, or there are some commercial composting activities which can operate without changes to zoning codes. An example is provision for a drop-off facility for solid waste, which is then transferred to a composting facility.” An example of a Tier Three community is Altoona, Wisconsin, which allows for backyard composting and small-scale composting.
Authors of The Good Neighbor Zoning Toolkit are Michael Price, Ohio State University, Dr. Angel Arroyo-Rodriguez, Ohio EPA, and Linda Norris-Waldt, US Composting Council.
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