Cistus Nursery Dressed in Frost

Cistus Nursery Dressed in Frost

  A frosty morning at work last week had me scrambling to take as many photos as possible before it melted. The beauty of snow and frost has not lasted long this winter. Not that I’m complaining. But it is really lovely on Sauvie Island, a rather bucolic and agricultural portion of the greater Portland area. That Cistus Nursery is here makes me feel very lucky. This post is just for visual fun as I don’t have identifications for many of these plants in Sean and Preston’s garden, but I hope you enjoy them all the same. Here then is a look at my place of employment on a rather frosty February morning:

Muhlenbergia dubia, very much like my favorite Muhlenbergia rigens. This is at the front of the path and is stunning in just about all seasons.
Arctostaphylos x media ‘Point Arena’, a gorgeous low-grower. Sean graciously gave me one last summer, I am super-excited to see mine grow.

Oh, hey, how did that happen? Muhlenbergia dubia from the other side. It’s so dramatic it deserves a second round.

Crataegus x lavallei ‘Autumn Glory’
Some fabulous arctostaphylos or another. There are quite a few in this post.

Those frosty margins! I love this.

Possibly Rhamnus californica.

Garrya elliptica, silk tassel bush.

More fabulous spiky grasses.
Pinus contorta var. latifolia ‘Chief Joseph’ tucked in along the driveway.

Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’

A gravel path lined with grasses and lavenders.

Carex secta on the stairs up to the house.

A lovely place for a rest.
Mahonia x media

Mahonia fortunei

More mahonia. They look really lovely this time of the year, most of these just finished blooming.

Another arctostaphylos.

In the crevice garden.

More crevice garden treasures.

Rhamnus – possibly Rhamnus californica ssp. tomentella

Conifer love.

Lyonothamnus floribundus var. aspleniifolius, the gorgeous Catalina ironwood tree.

In the desert island garden.

Another stunning arctostaphylos.

Yucca rostrata and friends in the desert island bed.

Garden art.

More arctostaphylos.

Agave ovatifolia ‘Frosty Blue’

As you see, a quick post this week just to keep the love going. I thought a change of pace would be interesting and a visual pause, something lovely in this world. 
OK, find me this Saturday at the Benton County Master Gardeners Insights into Gardening conference, I’ll be speaking at 2:15. It looks like a lot of fun with many excellent speakers covering a myriad of topics. There is a vendor section as well as a raffle, looks like a fun day out.
That’s a wrap for this week at Chickadee Gardens, as always thank you so much for reading and commenting, we do love hearing from you all. Plus it’s a community, let’s stick together. You can also find me on Bluesky Social (trying to move away from Facebook bit by bit) at Come join the fun!
Happy gardening, everybody.
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