Winter Greenery
Autumn Fern, Wheel Tree (Trochodendron araliodes), Aucuba ‘Rozannie’ and Rhododendron ‘Percy Wiseman’ |
Sarcococca (Sweet Box) is blooming now but you don’t see the blooms unless you look closely. You can smell it though, especially on a sunny day. |
Eucalyptus neglecta (Omeo Gum) – Now that it has cleared the top of the laurel hedge, it will be interesting to see what kind of character it achieves. I would love more space for these. |
A new addition – an evergreen dogwood! (Cornus capitata ‘Mountain Moon’) |
Asian Jasmine (Trachelospermum ‘Ogon Nishiki’) One of my favorite plants that I’ve had from the beginning. Extreme cold temperatures blemish the leaves but they rebound. |
Chief Joseph Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta) – The growth rate on this one is fairly rapid (I’m estimating one foot per year). Just a stunner! I also have one in a pot. |
Evergreens by the front window (l-r) – Boxleaf Hebe (Hebe buxifolia), Viburnum davidii, Rhododendron ‘Ocean Lake’, Pieris ‘Little Heath’, Skimmia |
Picea orientalis ‘Skylands’ – I rarely photograph it since I have to go to my neighbor’s driveway to do so. |
Cistus ‘Mickie’, Clematis armandii and Loquat The loquat is beginning to grow and expand our from the fence. |
Rosemary Grevellia (Grevellia rosmarinifolia) Another plant that is showing some significant growth. It doesn’t look like much here but it is doing very well. |
Camellia ‘Mathotiana’ Camellias add so much to the winter landscape. Even without flowers, I think they are wonderful. |