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Back to California, briefly

Monday’s post—a California garden visit from 2023—was spurred by the fact we were headed back to the Los Angeles area, and I needed to finish writing about last year’s fun, before sharing what I got up to this year. An embarrassment of riches for sure. 

Last Wednesday, Nov 13th, Andrew and I flew down to Burbank, CA, arriving in time to crash for the night. Thursday we visited the Huntington Library & Gardens—it was heaven! I have a few hundred photos from that visit to share, eventually. Friday was a family day, then on Saturday I headed out to visit a few nurseries; , , and . There will be proper posts about those stops, but today I’m sharing the in-between. Like this quick stop at Mickey Hargitay Plants, because I was in the area with a few minutes to kill.
I was feeling a little cheeky so I went ahead and nudged the tillandsia clump on that tree. Just how attached was it? Quite. No moving it.
Down the street, near where I parked.

A blog reader recently shared a video of gardens around where he was staying in Oxnard, CA. The thirsty, dusty aeonium he saw looked almost like metal sculptures. These were on there way to that effect.

I saw pineappled agaves all over the city, most of them were in areas where they’d been cut back to keep people or cars from being poked. This one was in an area where you’d have to really work to get close. Maybe it’s just the default for yard care crews?
But what the hell? Why not just put it out of it’s misery?
Happy hellstrip agave…
Sad hellstrip agave.
Even sadder hellstrip agave.
Two Agave attenuata and one???

Impressive fruit display whatever it is.
I liked this planting and how it worked with the building.
Well, that’s not something you see everyday.
Street Rap History?

So those photos were all taken walking to my car, but my travels also had me driving thru a few LA neighborhoods. I was on high alert scanning left and right, and saw many interesting plantings. I only stopped the car to photograph this one, those house-sized agaves seemed worthy.

I didn’t notice the sprinkler at first.

I mean that’s not what you expect to see, as much as it does explain the healthy plantings (employees I spoke to at the Huntington said they hadn’t had measurable rainfall since April).
I wonder why they haven’t pulled the palm out yet? It’s only going to get more difficult with time. Or maybe they have and it keeps coming back?
This was an interesting oddity. While logic says it’s simply a damaged agave with two different growth patterns, my eyes say someone planted an Agave ‘Royal Spine’ in the center of an Agave parryi.
So what did I buy on the trip? Well I couldn’t resist this double-sided, printed canvas bag at Rolling Greens. 
Even if those apostrophes are upside down! (it was only $5, maybe that’s why?) 
At Flora Grubb I really wanted a gorgeous gallon-sized Agave ‘Royal Spine’ but talked myself out of it, as there was no way to get it home. Instead I settled for a tiny (but oh so cute) Agave albopilosa. I have one that Gerhard gave me, but thought it would be nice to have another to play with.
I also bought this odd little terracotta hanging planter, as you can probably guess it’s the metal parts that spoke to me.
After leaving Flora Grubb, I drove back up to where we were staying via the Pacific Coast Highway from Santa Monica as far as Malibu. We were flying out the next day and I couldn’t leave without putting my eyes on the ocean, even if it was just from the car…

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All material © 2009-2024 by Loree L Bohl. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited and just plain rude.

Back to California, briefly Read More »

INVE Aquaculture Concludes Year-Long 40th Anniversary Celebrations with “From Pioneers to Leaders” Video

Visitas: 0By INVE Aquaculture INVE Aquaculture, a global leader in aquaculture innovation, proudly wraps up its year of 40th-anniversary celebrations with the release of the commemorative video “From Pioneers to Leaders”. This video serves as the grand finale to a year of reflection and celebration, sharing the stories, insights, and dedication of the company’s leadership […]

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INVE Aquaculture Concludes Year-Long 40th Anniversary Celebrations with “From Pioneers to Leaders” Video Read More »

COP16 Dispatch: Week 2 Open Source and LLMs, Reflections from the Back Row of COP16

View from the seating area assigned to Academia and Research in the Amazonia Room at the Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacífico, Cali, Colombia, during COP16. An attendee from Business and Industry extends their arms to lift their phone and capture a photo of the plenary session.

Cristian Román shares unique insights from attending COP16 in Cali, Colombia, exploring the interplay of science, policy, and equity. Highlights include challenges with proprietary biodiversity tools, ethical concerns surrounding AI in policy compliance, and academia’s role in negotiations, raising critical questions about accessibility, collaboration, and power dynamics.

COP16 Dispatch: Week 2 Open Source and LLMs, Reflections from the Back Row of COP16 Read More »

Building roots in glass, a bio-inspired approach to creating 3D microvascular networks using plants and fungi

Researchers have developed a new bio-inspired approach to building complex 3D microfluidic networks by utilizing plant roots and fungal hyphae as molds. The team grew plants and fungi in nanoparticles of silica, then baked out the plants and solidified the glass. What remains is glass with micrometer-sized networks where the roots used to be.

Building roots in glass, a bio-inspired approach to creating 3D microvascular networks using plants and fungi Read More »

Building roots in glass, a bio-inspired approach to creating 3D microvascular networks using plants and fungi

Researchers have developed a new bio-inspired approach to building complex 3D microfluidic networks by utilizing plant roots and fungal hyphae as molds. The team grew plants and fungi in nanoparticles of silica, then baked out the plants and solidified the glass. What remains is glass with micrometer-sized networks where the roots used to be.

Building roots in glass, a bio-inspired approach to creating 3D microvascular networks using plants and fungi Read More »