Anyone tried to grow goumi berries in zone 10?

Hey there permaculturists! I’m new to this whole permaculture thing (I’m actually not the gardener in the house so please excuse my ignorance). I just bought a house in zone 10a, and we’re looking to finally plant some of the fruit trees we’ve been hauling from rental to rental for years. We wanted to plant some goumi berries because they’d produce fruit at the same time as serving as a nitrogen fixer. But we had taken for granted we could plant them in our zone 10a (as we’ve mostly been able to grow whatever we’d tried to grow in beautiful Southern California before).

So has anyone tried to plant goumi berries in zone 10 a/b before? How’d it go? Anyone able to predict how well they’d hold up in zone 10a?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Here-about-a-dog
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