A local landscaping idea – seeking advice.

I don’t expect any marketing upside from this post so I hope it’s ok to drop a link to my new service idea.


TLDR – Chip Drop for Charlotte, NC with an additional service – sheet mulching.

I was talking to an arborist in the area who was frustrated about having to drive his trucks outside the city to dump chips, since the majority of folks that wanted the drops were still too far away to make it worth their time. This got me thinking – if I could find a marketable use for the city’s excess wood chips, he and a few other arborists might give me first dibs so long as 1) I didn’t charge the arborists and 2) could guarantee drop locations inside the city.

I’m launching a local marketing campaign after the holidays to convince some of my neighbors to ditch their lawns in favor of wood chips. I’m cautiously optimistic I can convert a few folks to the permaculture team.

I recently got out of the software game. I burnt out and now I want to do things with my hands going forward. I’m not trying to get rich, just make a honest living providing a cool service that also helps creating more ecologically thoughtful spaces.

Let me know what you think, any advice for what I’m missing on the site, etc.

submitted by /u/interbolt_colin
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