Planting Bamboo Between Walls?

Planting Bamboo Between Walls?

I’m in Zone 9b (Arizona, USA). I need a privacy screen against my 6′ block wall in my backyard. I am putting in a shed or Sauna and need to hide the structure from the neighbors (it’ll be taller than the block wall and be visible from the street- hence, needing a screen).

I had bamboo previously, and generally enjoy it. I’m looking for fast growing, heat tolerant bamboo that is non-evasive and very easy to maintain. I need it to eventually grow to about 10′ or taller. I’ll have about 3-4′ between the wall and the shed for it to grow in. It’ll get plenty of sunlight from morning until about 1-2pm. It’ll also be on an automatic drip watering system.

– What’s the pros/cons of using an above ground planter box vs planting directly in the ground?
– Once it grows and fills out, it’ll be between the block wall and the shed. How much maintenance will I need to do, if any, or can I just let it grow between the two without access to it?
– which bamboo specifically would fit this application, and can I grow it from seed?

Thank you for all your help!

submitted by /u/eyal8r
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