Converting 16 acres of woodlands

Converting 16 acres of woodlands

I am buying 16 acres of very dense woodlands and brushes, It’s to the point that I couldn’t walk past the perimeter to view the property.

I would like to have this converted to silvo pasture for a rotational grazing setup of cows sheep and chickens. F.Y.I, the soil is sandy loam

The trees are mainly oaks and pines

Couple of questions:

1) how sparse I should leave the trees (distance between trees)

2) Mulcher attachment vs knocking and burning for charcoal (maximum nutrients in soil for eventual pasture)

3)Which is preferable for silvopasture, Oaks or Pines?

Knocking trees and burning is quite a bit cheaper but I’m willing to forgo the money if it’ll make a difference in soil health and future pasture efficiency

submitted by /u/Halover7365
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