Hi all,
I’m currently preparing my backyard to start what I hope will be an edible garden and food forest. I’ve been trying to dig up some of the lawn along the perimeter, with the intention of sheet mulching and then layering with homemade compost and soil. The dirt under our lawn is a compacted red clay. Here are my questions:
1) What do you recommend I do with the compacted red clay I’m digging up? In a perfect world, yes, I’d mix it with stuff and turn it into good soil, but that’s probably not going to happen with this stuff (plus I’m pretty sure the previous owners treated the backyard with roundup). Do I just have someone come and haul it away?
2) In the interim between laying down soil and planting, should I cover the soil with mulch or anything? I know a lot of permaculturists on TikTok say never to have open soil (theirs is covered with chop and drop mulch), but I don’t have anything on hand to use––should I purchase and cover with wood mulch?
I’d appreciate any advice! Thank you!
submitted by /u/Professoressa411
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